What is dodao.dev about?

6 min readNov 11, 2022

Dodao.dev dApp is built as an uniform platform to bring all software development processes to blockchain. It will be used as work marketplace for developers and art creators. Dodao.devusers currently have three roles:

  1. Customer
  2. Performer
  3. Auditor

Customer is able to create Task contract with DEV and aUSDC tokens as a reward. Once Performers apply for a Task, Customer is able to select the Performer for Task implementation. After the Task is implemented the Performer applies for a Customer review. Currently all negotiations are performed off-chain via Customer selected method (such as Telegram or Discord for example). When Customer is happy with the work done, he signs the review and the Performer will be able to withdraw the tokens to his preferred blockchain supported by Axelar (Moonbase, Ethereum, Binance, Fantom, Avalanche, Polygon). If any dispute occurs an Auditor can be invited to review the task and settle it.

At the moment, we are live on Testnet, planning to launch in Mainnet soon. Because, we build this dApp for all of us as a community, we need your feedback to build a dApp, we all want to use.

How you can try out our current dApp version as a Customer?

  1. You need to get a Wallet and some test tokens. Please read here how you can do that.
  2. After you connected your Wallet with the Dodao.dev dApp (go to dodao.dev), you can start to test our App.


  1. Customer: You want to offer a task? Then you are a customer.
  2. Performer: You want to participate in a job? Then you are a performer.
  3. Audit: So far, customer and/or performer has some issues with the jobs, they can request an Audit, done by someone of the community.

Important: At the moment, all the roles above are only visible with their wallet addresses with no User profiles, what will be updated in the future for sure.

We call jobs tasks to make it atomic, because one job can have many tasks grouped by a tag.

To test the App, it is important to understand, that you need a wallet address for each role. That is the reason why start explaining how to test our dApp from costumer perspective.

Let us go through the process, how you can test devopsdao as a customer:

Please note: Because our developers are coding every day, the design can change. We upload new graphics based on the current design as soon as possible. The process, how to use it, will be not affected.

You are a customer, wants to get a Task done

Please note, to avoid confusion: We renamed devopsdao to dodao.dev january 2023.
  1. Connect your Wallet
  2. Click the „plus“ button right on the bottom to create a new Task

Create a Task

  1. Fill out the form „create a task“ with a task title, a description and select the value. (For testing, please only use small amounts of DEV tokens because you can only get 1.1 DEV tokens within 24 hours Find out here, how you can get the DEV test tokens.)
  2. Click „Submit“ to share your task in the marketplace

Confirm Meta Mask Transaction

  1. Once you clicked „Submit“, MetaMask opens with a request to approve the transaction. You will see the approval and transaction mint progress.
  2. Confirm the MetaMask transaction.

Check if Meta Mask transaction is confirmed

  1. After the MetaMask Transaction is ready, you can see two green checkmarks. Now, you can click on „close“ on the transaction field.

Find the job you have created in the Customer Tap

  1. Click on the bottom on the „Customer“ tab.
  2. Here you see all the tasks you offered.
  3. The red numbers on the right side shows you, how many performers want to participate in each of your jobs.

Open your Task

  1. Let us click on the tasks we offered „Test Job 123“. Because no one has participated so far, you only see your task details, your contract address, and you have the possibility to top up the job you have offered.

Open your task after you received application

  1. After a developer applied to participate, you see the contractor wallet address here. Later, you will see a profile here instead of the wallet address. Do you want to choose your contractor? Just click on the wallet address oft he contractor who should the work done for you.
  2. Sometimes, performer write you a chat message. Just double-click anywhere at your task page. It will switch to the task details page, double click again anywere on the Task details page and the chat page will open. Find the details how to open the Chat in the next step.

How to open chat messages

  1. Click on the task you have created
  2. Double-click on first field
  3. A new Tab is opening
  4. Double-click on the same field a before
  5. Chat opens

Choose contractor and approve transaction

  1. After you chose your contractor, and you clicked on the contractor Wallet address, MetaMask opens again to approve the transaction and mint the contract of your job with the selected performer in the blockchain.
  2. Confirm the MetaMask transaction.
  3. After the transaction is confirmed, close the transaction window.

Your task in in progress

  1. After you chose your performer and signed it in the blockchain, your task moves automatically from Customer tab „Selection“ to the tab „Progress“.

See, when your performer started the task!

  1. After the performer, you chose, started the job, the color of the task changes to blue.
  2. During the job is in progress, you can always send a chat message to your performer a we have described earlier.

See, when you can review the task!

  1. After the performer did the job, he sent it back to the customer to review. Then, the Job color changes automatically to green.
  2. Click on the green job, to review it.

Now, you can review the task or request Audit

  1. After you as a customer received your offered job to review, you have currently two options: Sign the review or Request an Audit.
  2. If you sign the review, MetaMask opens to approve the transaction. With signing the review, the job is done and switches automatically to the customer tab „complete“.
  3. If you have some issues with the work the performer provided, you can request an Audit.

Now, you know all important steps from customers perspective.

During the next days, we will share the processes from performer and Auditor perspective as well.

Feel free to join our official Groups, ask questions, give us feedback and be a part of our journey:

Telegram Group: https://t.me/dodao_group

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/dodao_announcements

Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/d5ZtpxCXZB

Our Website: www.devopsdao.com

Dodao dApp: www.dodao.dev

If you didn´t get some DEV test tokens so far, what is neccessary to test the devopsdao app at the moment, please read our latest blogpost: https://devopsdao.medium.com/if-you-want-to-test-the-dapp-of-devopsdao-you-need-to-get-some-test-tokens-first-ea764557df46

Your Dodao.dev Team




Dodao.dev is the first decentralized and permissionless Job Exchange that connects tech talents, art creators, and business professionals in one platform.